You know yourself better than anyone and if you keep doing things to please others; but it goes against your comfort zone you can and will make yourself psychically and physically ill.

When we only act to please others we can stress our bodies out and I guarantee you your spirit will be broken and you will feel energetically drained until you’re all tapped out.

Not being honored for your boundaries and belief systems can lead to self neglect and depression.  Being with someone you no longer like or love 💔  will wear down on your psyche.

Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to walk away from toxic environs and people who refuse to listen 🎶 to what we have to say.

Self love ❤️ and self care is a byproduct of receiving ✨️ a #reiki healing ✨️ or a good massage or a #tantra ceremony

If you choose to schedule a #chicagotantra ceremony with me you will receive nurturing, intuitive bodywork, holistic ##breathwork #soundhealing reflexology #reiki #cuddletherapy and the opportunity to activate your #kundalini

I am here for you ❤

To me connection is everything ❤️
If you call me but I personally don’t feel a heart connection with you based off your voice vibrations I might suggest someone else for you to work with. 

I am extremely intuitive and Empathic by nature and my services will appeal to highly sensitive people seeking a real connection and sense of community.

Email 📧 me at

let me know more about who you are and why you are excited to try tantra

We aren’t the same people we were 20 years ago. We evolve and we understand more about ourselves and what we need. Sometimes when people begin a romantic relationship with a partner early in life they find out their needs change with age, experience and self wisdom. However just because we become more emotionally mature and independent; it doesn’t mean our partners grow with us. Sometimes our partners have a completely different belief system and there’s nothing in common between the two of you anymore. One partner might still remain devoted and completely in love; but the other person grows away 💔 and needs more out of the relationship so the two grow apart.
If you’ve grown out of certain behavioral patterns or limiting beliefs never be afraid to engage in alternative healing paths. Suggest tantra workshops and tantra sessions to your partner just as a means to draw your bond closer. However if you’ve tried your very best to express your needs and goals and your partner is resistant to change or the newer version of who you are then it’s time for you to create healthy boundaries or move on from the relationship so you can continue to grow as a person.

Call me directly at (312) 339-7707 for a free 15 phone 📱 conversation or book me this week for a paid coffee ☕ consultation or full hour phone consultation.

You will find detailed information about my tantra ceremonies here:

you may also subscribe to my YouTube channel #Tantrabutterfly

Tantra helps you love yourself unconditionally